Interest in quantum and supercomputing: Angelika Niebler visits LRZ

Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler (CSU) and Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller (Leiter LRZ) in front of SuperMUC-NG

With mask, due distance and with many questions, the CSU politician Professor Dr. Angelika Niebler visited the SuperMUC-NG and learned about the possibilities of High Performance Computing (HPC) on 19 May 2020 at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ). Niebler was accompanied by Axel Thierauf, member of the supervisory board of the Finnish start-up IQM Quantum Computers: "The SuperMUC can make forecasts on corona virus development, it can show scenarios on climate change and optimise autonomous driving," Niebler wrote enthusiastically after her visit to her Facebook-page.

Niebler, who as an honorary professor at the University of Applied Sciences also deals with business and patent rights, and start-up investor Thierauf were particularly interested in how HPC is advancing quantum computing. Supercomputers are already testing the first tools for the next computer generation. SuperMUC-NG also simulates the working methods of quantum computers so that they can be researched and optimized. As a European politician, Niebler is convinced that Europe needs its own quantum computers. "Quantum computers will fundamentally change every process, every product and every service," she writes, "The competitive advantage for companies using quantum computers is immense. Europe does not yet have a well-known manufacturer. But we need a European approach to remain independent and competitive.

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