Intel Quantum SDK – application in scientific simulation

16:00 - 16:00, November 9, 2022
IN PERSON at Leibniz Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching b. München
& ONLINE, (send an email to for link)

An introduction of Intel Quantum Software Development Kit (SDK). The Intel Quantum Software Development Kit (SDK) is a full-stack software development kit with an LLVM-based C++ compiler and system software workflow that enables the usage of a single self-contained source file to coordinate “classical” and “quantum” logic. Variational algorithms are some of the most promising workloads for quantum computing systems. They pair classical optimizers with quantum programs, forming a feedback loop to find convergence on a solution. The Intel Quantum SDK targets these “hybrid” algorithms by utilizing its Quantum Runtime to coordinate the flow of data between the classical and quantum logic as the executable runs on a simulated qubit backend. The Intel Quantum SDK will be the way to access and program real Intel qubit chips in the future. 

Dr. Kevin Rasch

Research scientist at Intel Lab

Kevin Rasch is a research scientist at Intel Labs. He received his PhD in physics from North Carolina State University for studying methods to solve Schrodinger's equation in order to model the macroscopic properties of. As a software engineer, he has followed his passions for mathematical modeling and education into a career of building tools and simulations with fidelity sufficient to make rational decisions, to train human intuition on complex dynamics, and to explore both the problem- and solution-spaces that emerge from large, interdependent, networked systems.

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