ParityQC - The Quantum Architecture Company

16:00 - 18:00, September 14, 2022
IN PERSON at Leibniz Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching b. München

In this talk the Parity Architecture is explained, which allows to compile real world use cases to the concrete qubit chip layouts needed for solving the envisaged problem. The Parity transformation allows to tackle the connectivity problem resulting in local-only interactions, which are problem independent. The original problem is encoded in the local fields acting on single qubits making the QC chip easily programmable. It is demonstrated that the Parity Architecture allows to highly parallelise the quantum approximate optimisation algorithm (QAOA) essentially eliminating crosstalk and enabling constant circuit depth algorithms. Benchmarks and specific use cases are presented. Finally the involvement of ParityQC in the German QC ecosystem is outlined.

Dr. Christian Ertler

Head of Technology Partnerships
  • Current position: Head of Technology Partnerships at ParityQC Germany
  • 7 years Research Coordinator and Research Management at the German Aerospace Center
  • 2005 - 2012 Post Doc Positions in Germany, Austria and US in theoretical physics working on open quantum systems 
  • 2004 PhD on quantum transport at Technical University of Graz (Austria)
  • Studies in Theoretical Physics at the Technical University of Graz (Austria)
Christian Ertler

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