Founding Munich Quantum Valley – A cornerstone for quantum research

Association Munich Quantum Valley: representatives of the founding institutions. Photo: Ch. Hohmann/MQV

Bavaria's high-tech agenda is moving forward: In order to advance the research and development of quantum computing, the initiative "Munich Quantum Valley" (MQV) has now been formed as an association. The founding members are the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Ludwig Maximilian University and the Technical University in Munich, the German Aerospace Center, the Fraunhofer and Max Planck Societies as well as the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities with its institutes, the Walther Meissner Institute and the Leibniz Supercomputing Center (LRZ). The goal of the MQV association is to accelerate the translation of scientific findings into practical products and market-ready technology. To this end, a center for quantum computing and technology is to be established over the next five years, as well as a technology park. The MQV is financed by subsidies from Bavaria and the federal government.

The LRZ is bundling its quantum activities in the Quantum Integration Centre (QIC). "The strategy of the QIC is based on three pillars: We will offer quantum services to researchers, advise and train users and, as an academic computing center, accompany, research and help shape the further development of this future technology," says Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller, director of the LRZ. The academic computing center in Garching already received funding from the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) last year to purchase its first quantum system, and was also able to acquire notable research projects together with universities and institutes. "We are now opening the door to the quantum era," Kranzlmüller continued. "Integrating quantum into HPC systems can enormously enrich science and research and strengthen the power of the next supercomputers." Most of the research projects of the LRZ and its partners in the MQV aim to design a Munich Quantum software stack that will make complete quantum systems easier to use. It will also be used to develop programming and software environments for a wide variety of application areas. Another project: Quantum computing is intended to complement supercomputing and give more power to the next generation of computers, exascale systems.

Current research projects with LRZ participation

  • Digital-analog quantum computing, DAQC: The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the construction and integration of a superconducting quantum system that mixes different technical designs, digital and analog quantum computing. In this project, the LRZ is collaborating with the German-Finnish technology company IQM, the chip manufacturer Infineon, and the Austrian company ParityQC, as well as with the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Freie Universität Berlin. The goal is a digital-analog processor with a calibration and control mechanism that will be integrated into the HPC environment as an accelerator.
  • Quantum computer extension by exascale HPC, Q-Exa: With funding from the BMBF, a first quantum processor with at least 20 qubits has already been procured from IQM for this project. This is to be integrated into the next planned supercomputing generation. The LRZ is cooperating on this project with the startups IQM and HQS Quantum Simulation from Karlsruhe, as well as with Atos and the company science + computing in Tübingen
  • Quantum-enabling Services and Tools for Industrial Applications, QuaST: Funded by the Free State of Bavaria, BayQS deals with application software for quantum technologies, works on platforms for their use and also offers qualification opportunities. The Fraunhofer Institutes for Cognitive Systems (IKS), Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC) and Integrated Circuits (IIS) as well as the two Munich universities LMU and TUM and the LRZ contribute their expertise to this project.
  • Bavarian Competence Center for Quantum Security and Data Science, BayQS: Quantum computers are considered fast computers - will also bring benefits to industry, but also risks. Funded by the Free State of Bavaria, BayQS is therefore working on software for this future technology, wants to work on platforms for its use and also offers qualification opportunities. The Fraunhofer Institutes for Cognitive Systems (OKS), Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC) and Integrated Circuits (IS) as well as the two Munich universities LMU and TUM and the LRZ are contributing their expertise to this project.
  • Munich Quantum Valley, MQV: Within the framework of this broad and long-term promotion of the quantum technology location Free State of Bavaria, the parent company of LRZ and Walther Meissner Institute, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, the two Munich universities of excellence LMU and TUM, furthermore the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen Nuremberg, the Fraunhofer and the Max Planck Societies as well as the German Aerospace Center have joined forces. A lively cluster of research, companies and educational institutions for quantum computing is emerging in the MQV. The LRZ is involved in two subprojects of the MQV, Q-DESSI and QACI: Here, a software stack from firmware to programming environment and access portals is to be created, as well as the connections of quantum systems to supercomputing resources. In addition, users will receive support in the development of further quantum programs.

More information about the foundation of Munich Quantum Valley, its financing and plans can be found in the press release of BADW. 

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Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Boltzmannstraße 1
85748 Garching near Munich

Phone: +49(0)89 - 35831 8000